elizabeth taylors canine clips

Elizabeth Taylor's Canine Clips is the longest established dog grooming salon in the Mildura and Sunraysia region. Initially established in Mildura by Susan Ball, Liz personally trained under Sue before purchasing the business and changing the name some 26 years ago. Since then this small Mildura based dog grooming business has grown into one of the most recognised and respected dog grooming salons in Mildura. Liz's team of highly experienced and caring groomers have the experience, skills and knowledge to clip and groom your dog in the correct style to suit each individual breed.

Canine Clips have an extensive range of equipment including, fresh water water dog baths, commercial stand, wall and cage dryers for small dogs and blasters for larger dogs to remove that stubborn undercoat. We also have hydraulic lift tables for older pets.

When it comes to washing your dog we only use the highest quality grooming products including Bioshine, Malaseb and flee shampoos that are gentle on the skin. All care is taken accommodate for pet with skin conditions and to make sure that your dog is clean from top to bottom.

Clipping equipment includes Andis commercial 2 speed clippers and cool cut ceramic blades to provide a smooth, quick, cool and stress free clipping experience for your pet. Our staff are also highly experienced in scissoring for those breeds of dog that require more detailed attention.

All dogs that visit our salon receive a full service including washing, brushing, de-matting, clipping, scissoring, and nail clipping. We are open from 8:30am - (4:30 - 5:30pm) Tue - Fri and 8:30am - 12:00pm on Saturdays. If you would like to make an appointment please call to speak with one of our friendly staff today on 03 5023 5264.